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Dozens of college-bound seniors at Sacramento Charter High celebrated

SACRAMENTO – A celebration at Sacramento Charter High on Thursday as college-bound seniors announced their campus of choice and 95% were accepted into four-year schools.
Sixty seniors were recognized in a big send-off. Students who navigated the complexities of COVID are now facing their future.
“I actually dreaded it but now that it’s here I’m actually excited about it,” said Alayla Dickerson.
Dickerson is thankful for the dual enrollment curriculum that prepared her.
“I’m taking classes now and getting college credits now,” Alayla said.
She is heading to Sac City College because it’s free and she likes the nursing program. Her mom is so grateful she had help along the way.
“The staff was very instrumental in advocating for Alayla and making sure she had everything she needed, met deadlines given deadlines throughout the process,” said Jazmine York-Dickerson, Alayla’s mom.
College coordinator Laura Davis says 95% have been accepted at four-year institutions. She worked one-on-one with them.
“To get them through applications and I really do sit down and help them every step of the way,” Davis said.
“I feel very proud. I definitely have many accomplishments and now that I’m a senior I’m ready to go ready to get started and start the real journey,” said Melvin Haywood.
Haywood is heading to Cal State Long Beach where he will also run track.
As students put pen to paper to formally commit, for Dickerson, signing day means a big sigh of relief.
“Because of the pressure, a lot of kids are curious. Staff curious. A lot of anticipation that builds up. Now that it’s here I’m calm and set on my decision,” Alayla said.
